Basic Science - Preclinical
Chair: Imad Damaj, Virginia Commonwealth University
Co-Chair: Nicole Scheff, Pittsburg Center for Pain Research
Co-Chair: Matthew Sapio, National Institutes of Health
Sharing and promoting scientific knowledge and understanding of pain.
The overarching goal of this group is to facilitate basic pain research in all forms and promote communication between researchers in the basic science field by providing a platform for discussion and collaboration, furthering educational objectives and building aliances with public-facing groups.
Provide a platform for discussion, data sharing, communication and collaboration between researchers that share common interests in basic research into pain and nociception
Furthering the educational objectives of the SIG via website and Twitter, meetings, webinars, an annual symposium and workshop at the USASP annual meeting
Engage trainees - a webinar (frequency - four to six a year) for postdocs and students to present
Partner with other SIGs/educational committee - training seminars
In depth of discussion of different approaches/controversial topics in basic science, with insights into their impact on clinical research and clinical applications.
Shortened talks (5-10 mins) followed by in-depth discussions
Enhancing collaboration between basic and clinical research on pain
Gaps in clinical knowledge that can inform basic research in pain - what is the next big question in various topics? Low back pain? Sex differences? Long-standing unanswered questions
Use the Pain Beat as a forum
Building alliances with public-facing groups
Rita Allen Foundation
May Day Foundation
Pain Research Forum & the PRF Correspondents Program
Pain Beat Podcast
Journalists and News Organizations
Promote basic pain research awareness in the public and advocate basic pain research to the NIH, policymakers, and foundations
Webpage, communications strategy to highlight pain
Annual Conference