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G.F. Gebhart Journal of Pain Young Investigators Award

Presented annually to a young investigator whose work, published in the Journal of Pain, demonstrates innovation and a significant impact on advancing our understanding of pain mechanisms.  


Open to early-career researchers who have made significant contributions to pain science and are actively engaged in advancing the field. Applicants must meet specific membership and authorship criteria, as well as be within a defined timeframe of completing their academic or professional training. This award highlights the achievements of emerging leaders whose research, published in The Journal of Pain, pushes the boundaries of pain research and clinical understanding.

Key Dates and Deadlines

Applications for the G.F. Gebhart Journal of Pain Young Investigators Award will be open early 2025.


Detailed Application Process

In 2017, an annual award was created to honor young investigators, The G.F. Gebhart Journal of Pain Young Investigator Award. This award is given on an annual basis, and involves a $1000 travel scholarship to attend the USASP Scientific Meeting.

  1. Applicant must be a member of the USASP.

  2. Applicant must be first author on a manuscript in The Journal of Pain that has been published in the award year (Manuscripts in press are not eligible).

  3. Applicant must be within five years of receiving their advanced degree or within five years of concluding their training, including any residency or postdoctoral training, whichever is later.

  4. Applications should be sent to the Editorial Office and include:

    1. A brief cover letter (1 page max) that includes the title of your accepted manuscript and a description of its impact on the pain field.

    2. Your Curriculum Vitae.

Previous Winners



Trevor Lentz, PT, PhD, MPH 

Duke University

Overcoming Barriers to the Implementation of Integrated Musculoskeletal Pain Management Programs: A Multi-Stakeholder Qualitative Study


The Journal of Pain Vol 24, Issue 5: 860−873

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Chung Jung Mun, PhD

Arizona State University

Real-time monitoring of cannabis and prescription opioid co-use patterns, analgesic effectiveness, and the opioid-sparing effect of cannabis in individuals with chronic pain

The Journal of Pain Vol. 23, Issue 11: 1799–1810

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Calia Morais, PhD

University of Alabama

The Effect of Literacy-Adapted Psychosocial Treatments on Biomedical and Biopsychosocial Pain Conceptualization

The Journal of Pain Vol. 22, Issue 11: 1396-1407

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James S. Khan, MSc MD FRCPC

University of Toronto
Perioperative pregabalin and intraoperative lidocaine infusion to reduce persistent neuropathic pain after breast cancer surgery: A multicenter, factorial, randomized, controlled pilot trial. 

The Journal of Pain Vol 20, Issue 8: 980-993

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