The USASP is looking to fill three director seats on the board of directors, as well as the treasurer. The USASP is committed to (1) transparency in the nomination and election process and (2) board membership that reflects the diversity of the membership of the USASP. Therefore, the USASP will accept nominees who meet the criteria for any of the seats described below.
DEADLINE December 6, 2024
Board Member and Officer Responsibilities
Attend in-person board meeting at the Annual Scientific Meeting (2025 meeting in Chicago, board meeting to be held on April 29)
Attend at least 2 virtual meetings (October/November and January/February)
Participate in USASP committees (1-2) to provide feedback and updates to the board
Participate in strategic planning
Timely response to email discussions and responses to asks for voting, etc.
General Eligibility Criteria for Open Positions:
An active member of the USASP in good standing
Recent experience serving on USASP committees or working groups or comparable experience in other organizations.
An active member of the International Association for the Study of Pain
Board of Directors (three open positions)*:
Term: Three years
Directors on the Board provide advice to the President and guidance on issues
brought to the USASP and support the Board’s decision-making process. Directors
will serve concurrently on at least one other USASP Committee and/or Task Force as
the liaison between the Committee/Task Force and the Board. The below criteria for
open seats are defined based on the required characteristics to balance the
experience and expertise on the Board.
Seat 1: Mid- to Senior-career investigator (Assoc./Full or Senior Scientist/Director)
whose primary designation** is Basic Research -Preclinical
Seat 2: An individual from any career stage whose primary designation** is Clinical
Care and/or Patient Advocacy
Seat 3: An individual from any career stage whose primary designation** is
Behavioral and Social Sciences or Population Health and Health Services
**Primary Designation is how an individual’s career classification is self-identified on
their USASP membership profile.
Term: 3 years
Oversees financial matters for the USASP including managing accounts, overseeing
payments and deposits of all moneys and reporting to the Board and membership
an account of the financial condition of the association. The Treasurer serves as the
Chair of the Finance Committee and oversees the budgeting for the USASP each
Eligibility Criteria: Mid- to Senior-career individual (Assoc./Full or Senior Scientist/Director) with demonstrated proficiency in financial management and budgeting.
Nominating Materials:
Please indicate in your application materials which seat/position you would like to be considered for (e.g., Director Seat #1, Director Seat #2, etc.).
The Nomination Committee will only consider a member for one seat/position on the ballot within an election year. The following materials will be required for a complete application:
a Curriculum Vitae
evidence that they meet the criteria listed above for a seat or position
a one-page personal statement of why they would like to serve the USASP on the Board or as an Officer. Nominees are expected to include their experience and commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and access.
a picture to accompany their personal statement on the election and ballot material
Nomination Process:
Deadline for submissions: December 6, 2024
Please submit materials using the following link: Could be a button to “Submit Your Nomination Here”
The Nominations Committee will review submitted materials, and applicants that meet the criteria for the position sought will be included on the ballot.
At the USASP, we believe that diverse voices and approaches are required to address the substantial challenge and cost of reducing the burden of pain. We strive to entwine diverse perspectives into all aspects of our work, including our membership and leadership, our interactions with other professional organizations and the community, our educational activities and engagement with early career investigators, and our national role in advocating for improved pain relief. Therefore, the USASP will continue to support incorporating individuals from underrepresented and disadvantaged/ underprivileged backgrounds to enhance our diversity, promote equity, and model an inclusive and accessible organization.
View Current Officers and Directors remaining on the Board 2024-2025 Here